
Showing posts from 2019

25. WAP to display

1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 CLS A = 5 FOR I = 1 TO 10 PRINT A A = A + 5 NEXT I END

24. Wap to display

1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 CLS FOR I = 1 TO 5 FOR J = 1 TO I PRINT J; NEXT J PRINT NEXT I END

23. 5,10,15,20 ... 10 term

CLS A = 5 FOR I = 1 TO 10 PRINT A A = A + 5 NEXT I END

22. 1,4,9,16... term


21. 1,1,2,3,5,8 up to 10 term

CLS A = 1 B = 1 FOR I = 1 TO 10 C = A + B A= B B = C NEXT I END

20. Multiplication table

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N FOR I = 1 TO 10 PTINT N ; ''X'' ; I ; ''='' ; N * I NEXT I END

19. Display factorial

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N F = 1 FOR I = 1 TO N F = F * I NEXT I PRINT ''Factorial number''; F END

18. Display factor

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N FOR I = 1 TO N IF N MOD I = O THEN PRINT I NEXT I END

17. Display prime or composite

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N C = 0 FOR I = 1 TO N IF N MOD I = 0 THEN C = C + 1 NEXT I IF C = 2 THEN PRINT ''The given no is composite'' ELSE PRINT ''The given no is prime'' END IF END

16. Armstrong

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N A = N S = 0 WHILE N < > 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S + R ^ 3 N = N / 10 WEND IF A = S THEN PRINT ''The given number is armstrong'' ELSE PRINT ''The given number is not armstrong'' END IF END

15. Palindrome

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N A = N S = 0 WHILE N < > 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S + 10 * R N = N / 10 WEND IF A = S THEN PRINT ''The given number is palindrome'' ELSE PRINT ''The given number is not palindrome'' END IF END

14. Display reverse digit

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N S = 0 WHILE N < > 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S * 10 + R N = N / 10 WEND PRINT ''Reverse digit''; S END

13. Display product of digit

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N P = 1 WHILE N < > 0 R = N MOD 10 P = P * R N = N / 10 WEND PRINT ''Product of digit''; P END

12. Display sum of digit

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N S = 0 WHILE < > 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S + R N = N / 10 WEND PRINT ''Sum of digit''; S END

11. Display greatest among three number

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N IF A>B and B>C THEN PRINT ''The greatest number is''; A ELSE IF B>A and B>C THEN PRINT ''The greatest number is''; B ELSE PRINT ''The greatest number is''; C END IF END

10. Odd or even

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N IF N MOD 2 = 0 THEN PRINT ''The number is odd'' ELSE PRINT ''The given number is even'' END IF END

9. positive, negative or zero

CLS INPUT ''Enter any number''; N IF N = 0 THEN PRINT ''Given number is positive''; ELSE IF N<0 THEN PRINT ''Given number is negative'' ELSE PRINT ''Given number is zero'' END IF END

8. Volume of cylinder

CLS INPUT ''Enter radius''; R INPUT ''Enter height''; H V = 22/7*R^2*H PRINT ''Volume of cylinder''; V END

7. Volume of cube

CLS INPUT ''Enter length''; L V = L^3 PRINT ''Volume of cube''; V END

6. Volume of box

CLS INPUT ''Enter length''; L INPUT ''Enter breadth''; B INPUT ''Enter height''; H V = L*B*H PRINT ''Volume of box''; V END

5. Area of 4 walls

CLS INPUT ''Enter length''; L INPUT ''Enter breadth''; B INPUT ''Enter height''; H A = 2*H*L+B PRINT ''Area of 4 walls''; A END

4. Area of square

CLS INPUT ''Enter length''; L A = L 2 PRINT ''Area of square=''; A END

3. Area of triangle

CLS INPUT ''Enter base''; b A = 1/2*b*h PRINT ''Area of triangle''; A END

2. Area of circle

CLS INPUT ''Enter radius''; r A = 22/7*r  2 PRINT ''Area of circle''; A END

1. Area of rectangle

CLS INPUT ''Enter length''; L INPUT ''Enter breadth''; B A = L * 5 PRINT '' Area of rectangle''; A END

My father

Among many people in life, the role of father gives a great importance. Today I'm in this stage because of my father. My father name is Ratna Bahadur tamang. My father is a good looking person with year age of 40 having a well built health and hygiene. He is an business man. He has a loving and caring nature and fulfills all our needs and demands on a call. He too scolds me if I'm in wrong track. He advice me to help others and pay respect to elder.


We all are very known about police. On 30 may, Thursday our school took us to police community. As, it was like a counselling program to us to be aware of crime, to maintain peace and secured society. They taught us about  friendship of police and citizen to reduce crime. Nowadays, the bad concept towards police is increasing rapidly. Due to lack of public participation nepal police are facing several troubles. We  know many things about the police officer and it helped us to remove my confusion regarding police. It was very helpful for of us and it taught us many new and helpful things. As, we mostly involved in social media and used to make fake identification and use it which is illegal as it which take us in bad path. It taught us that social media is for  right path we should not use it to harm other . They saw us many effect of social media which can make us to be a criminal. As,it help me to change my thought. After, this we went to another place where police dog a...


Drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue. It contains conflict of characters, particularly the ones who perform in front of audience on the stage.Our school gave us a chance to watch drama based on teenagers' psychology. It is a drama based on true facts of teenagers' and Nepalese society. It creates conflict of characters, particularly the ones and perform infront of audiences on the stage.  We were taken to Shilpee Theatre situated at Battisputali on 9th May, 2019. The name of our drama was "Aandhiko Manoram Nritya". The duration time of drama was One and half hour.  It was the drama based on daily struggles of adolescent. This drama is a tale of teenagers' psychology and the tragedy that they have experienced.This drama gave us the knowledge about teenagers.  Modernity and urbanization has begun to drink new generation from the transition of life to Nepalese society.This drama was literally related to all ...

Project on ISA

ISA PROJECT ON MOMO Hello, it’s me Sunil Singh Tamang. Today I’m going to share my some experienced on momo making.  Food is one of the biggest aspects of a culture. Food has even made its way into pop culture. The reason people gets on Facebook and YouTube is to watch “Tasty” videos, and the cooking show “Chopped” is even on Netflix. It’s not often that we actually try out the demonstrated recipe or take advice from the real-life cooks that we watch. Students and young adults in general forget about the importance and the benefits of cooking for themselves. Learning how to cook is one of the most important skills a person can have. When you cook for yourself you learn to enjoy healthy foods that you’ve always hated. It’s so satisfying knowing that I have a life skill and that at the end of the day I’ve done something productive. Cooking keeps us self-sufficient, healthy, and creative and boosts up our social skills as well. The main objective of this project momo ma...