Drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue. It contains conflict of characters, particularly the ones who perform in front of audience on the stage.Our school gave us a chance to watch drama based on teenagers' psychology. It is a drama based on true facts of teenagers' and Nepalese society. It creates conflict of characters, particularly the ones and perform infront of audiences on the stage. We were taken to Shilpee Theatre situated at Battisputali on 9th May, 2019. The name of our drama was "Aandhiko Manoram Nritya". The duration time of drama was One and half hour. It was the drama based on daily struggles of adolescent. This drama is a tale of teenagers' psychology and the tragedy that they have experienced.This drama gave us the knowledge about teenagers. Modernity and urbanization has begun to drink new generation from the transition of life to Nepalese society.This drama was literally related to all ...