Experienced on Dashain

The days I celebrate is:
Ghatasthapana is the marks of the beginning of Dashain. Literally, it means placing a kalasha or a pot, which symbolizes goddess Durga. Ghatasthapana falls on the first day of the festival. On this day, We filled kalash with holy water and is then sewn with barley seeds. And we kept Kalash away from direct sunlight. These rituals continue until the seventh day.
Phulpati is a major celebration occurring on the seventh day of Dashain. This day We brought Fulpati inside the house.
Maha Asthami
The eighth day is called as 'Maha Asthami. This day in our house we sacrifice the he-goat. After the offering of the blood, the meat is taken home and cooked as "prasad", or food blessed by divinity.
The ninth day of dashain is called Mahanavami. This is the last day of Navaratri. Since it is believed that worshipping the vehicles on this day avoids accidents for the year all the vehicles from bikes, cars to trucks. We started to worship them.
Bijaya Dashami or Vijaya Dashami

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